Just Follow Your Dreams

why is it that society is hell bent on making people what they don't want to be? i know a few people who can identify with me on this, so what if i don't grow up to be a doctor? some of us are just not cut out to be doctors, lawyers or whatever it is that sounds respectful(no offense intended for "the learned ones" & the dudes in white)but geez the obsession from some parents is just mind numbing. i've met kids who have ideas my physics teacher never mentioned in class, Einstein didn't go to school, bill gates dropped out and guess whose theories we were cramming in school? and no price for guessing whose windows i used to type this post today either. i think school is just a place for people who have not yet figured out what they really wanna be or do with their lives.

you will agree with me when you meet some of the same people you did the same course with at University in town doing something totally different, then you go like! weren't you the dude who used to sit next to me during a Psychology lecture? what in the world are you doing in music production? then he smiles and says proudly "music is my passion", psychology was just an idea from my parents.

whats more hypocritical though is the fact that when you make it big in the "profession" they deem not respected, they are the first to introduce you to people you could have lived your whole life being hidden from, mention you in every conversation like you're some kind of life line, then they act like you were born to shine and your thinking duh! aint you the same people that promised to disown me should i ever set foot in any MDD faculty?

all am saying is this...live your life coz in case you forgot you got only one, well unless you become a cat (i got a pet cat that died once and never resurrected)yeah i had to smack that reality back into your nut. dont let nobody tell you what your life should be.


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